gynecologist in Indore

Aesthetic Gynaecology

This is a relatively new branch of medicine that allows woman to correct their intimate body parts. This type of procedure is most commonly required due to damage resulting from childbirth or at times age related resulting in discomfort or dissatisfaction in sexual relation.
Vaginoplasty is a procedure by which the vaginal canal and opening of the vagina are tightened and perineal muscles are rebuilt. Apart from child birth other causes are menopause, hysterectomy, advanced age or obesity. Many women experience a feeling of vaginal looseness. This is often associated with decreased sexual satisfaction.But, in this modern era  of improved medical facilities why to feel shy and loose confidence. Females should move forward,take the step ahead and feel confident about their intimate part.
We dealing with #vaginal rejuvenation, #vaginoplasty, #vaginal tightening also #hymenoplasty, #hymenorrhaphy, #new hym