gynecologist in indore

Obstetrician Services and Gynecology Services

Obstetrician Services:

According to definitions, obstetrics is a medical specialty that deals with issues related to childbirth that affect women’s health. This covers both prenatal and postpartum treatment. Among the obstetric services are:

  • Monitoring the mother’s health and the growth of the fetus throughout pregnancy with frequent examinations, measurements, ultrasounds, and other diagnostics.
  • Checking for health issues including diabetes, high blood pressure, genetic diseases, or infections that increase the risk of becoming pregnant, whether they are already present or have just manifested.
  • Give advice on diet, exercise, supplements, drugs, and other topics.
  • Assist in easing uncomfortable pregnancy-related side effects like back pain and morning sickness.
  • Patients should be informed about what to expect at each stage of pregnancy and during childbirth.
  • When the baby is delivered, the mother and child both need prompt aftercare.
  • Keeping an eye on the mother’s health as she heals from childbirth.

Gynecology Services:

Genecology is a branch of medicine that focuses on all facets of female health, particularly as it relates to the reproductive system in non-pregnant women. Services offered in genetics include:

  • Routine diagnostic testing, including breast and pelvic exams.
  • A straightforward examination called a Pap smear, performed once every three to five years to look for malignant or precancerous cells.
  • Diagnosis and therapy for painful periods, or dysmenorrhea, and other menstrual disorders.
  • Counselling on contraception, prescriptions for birth control, and sterilisation.
  • Preventing and educating against STIs (sexually transmitted infections).
  • Menopause and perimenopause guidance, as well as symptom relief medicine.
  • Numerous female health issues, including uterine fibroids, persistent pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and others, are diagnosed and treated.
  • Surgical operations such hysterectomies, female sterilisation, and fibroid removal.

Contact gynecologist in Indore Dr. Sheela Chhabra.

total laparoscopic hysterectomy

TLH – Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

TLH (Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy


Obesity can make surgery more challenging, there is risk of infection, slow recovery, but with laparoscopy such challenges can be overcome.
👉Laparoscopic hysterectomy done on a patient weighing 100.6 kg with dense bowel adhesions ( bowel plastered to posterior & lower surface of uterus).
👉Patient was discharged after a day.
👉Post hysterectomy patient recovered well.



hysterectomy in indore
total laparoscopic hysterectomy
gynecologist in indore

Gestational Diabetes and Foetal Growth Retardation Surgery

Delighted to see the outcome of a difficult pregnancy ( severe preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and foetal growth retardation), treated by me 8 years back.
The pain, struggle and the difficulties faced by me and parents at that time vanished in a moment after seeing the smile of the kid 🤗😇
gynecologist in indore

Gestational Diabetes:

When diabetes is discovered for the first time while pregnant, it is called gestational diabetes (gestation). Gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar, similar to other types of diabetes (glucose). High blood sugar levels brought on by gestational diabetes can harm both you and your unborn child’s health.

There is good news, even if any pregnancy issue is alarming. Gestational diabetes can be managed during pregnancy by eating well, exercising, and, if necessary, taking medication. Blood sugar management can ensure the health of both you and your unborn child and avoid a challenging birth.
If you had gestational diabetes while pregnant, your blood sugar often returns to normal shortly after delivery. However, your chance of developing type 2 diabetes is increased if you’ve ever had gestational diabetes. You’ll need to be tested for changes in blood sugar more often.

Gestational diabetes is the under the high-risk pregnancy condition. Having any kind of high-risk pregnancy you can contact gynecologist in Indore.

gynecologist in indore

Take Care of Your Infant, outdoors in Winters with These Tips

You can learn a lot about someone’s parenthood by asking them when they first went out in public with their infant. You’ll hear everything from staying 8 weeks to just hours after delivery. There truly is no right or wrong answer; still, know that taking a baby out in public is veritably different from taking a baby outdoors. 

Baby care:

Nothing should be touching your infant without your consent. A brand new baby needs no one but Mama. Carrying around the absurdly heavy auto seat is bad for your reverse, potentially dangerous to the baby, and a bold assignment for strangers to approach you. My absolute favorite carrier for the invigorated stage is a ring sling, but you may prefer a different interpretation. 

Breastfeed adequately:

Breastfeeding in public can be a challenge for a new mama. Don’t worry about nonnatives, worry about feeding your baby. I recommend sitting in front of glass at home and rehearsing your nursing position, shirt lift fashion, etc. It’ll boost your confidence! 

Warm clothes:

Your baby will need further than a onesie on, but lower than you’d suppose, especially with baby wearing. Auto seat safety includes never putting winter wool on a baby while in the seat. Rather, use a mask over the baby once she’s buckled in duly. 

Contact our best gynecologist in Indore.

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Prepare Your Daughter for Her First Period with These Tips

Numerous women presumably remember when and where they got their first period. A lot of us presumably also wish we’d been a little more set. Still, how can you help them be ready without embarrassing them? If your daughter is approaching their first period.  

Get her completely informed:

You can start by telling your daughter it’s normal for some girls to have cramps, back pain, or tender guts before or during their ages. They can ease the pain by putting a heating pad on their lower belly or back, and taking non-prescription pain-relievers that contain ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen.  

Prep a backup, other than you:

Period mishaps are bound to be, so help your daughter pick a trusted grown-up who can ask for help if they’re down from home. It may be a trainer, schoolteacher, counselor, or a friend’s parent.  

Produce a tackle:

Numerous girls sweat when they get their first period at the academy or when they’re down from home. To help your daughter feel ready, buy a small zippered pouch and stock it with a couple of teen-size aseptic pads and a clean brace of undergarments, Matterson says. Tell your daughter to keep the pouch with them at all times, and keep one with you, too, just in case. Contact the best gynecologist in Indore for more information.